The poster contest at the Faculty of Medicine and Healthcare

10 december, 2022

On October 28, 2022, at the Faculty of Medicine and Healthcare, teachers of the Department of Foreign Languages – N.V.Bershina, D.D. Tektibaeva, G.A.Koitasova, L.A.Baitleuova held an educational event – the poster contest “My language and my culture.” This event was organized among foreign students from India, Turkey, Egypt, Tanzania, Zanzibar, Island, Iran and other countries doing their studies in the educational programmes of General Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmacy. The head of the Department of Fundamental Medicine Sarse­nova L.K. participated in the opening of the contest.

The main purpose of the event was the presentation of cultural traditions and values of the students’ native countries in the context of their correlation and interaction with the culture of Kazakhstan.

During the competition, students were given the opportunity to present information about their native culture and lan­guage in an interactive poster conference format, during which everyone could get the information about the sub­mitted posters and ask their questions to the poster authors. In addition, a special YouTube channel was created where students could watch all videos of posters presentations and take part in an online voting for the most interesting poster and its video presentation. After summing up the voting results, the winners and and participants were awarded certificates and valuable prizes – books in English about Kazakhstan and Almaty.

 N.V. Bershina,

D.D. Tektibaeva,

Foreign Language Department teachers