Prevention of religious extremism and terrorismFarabi University

Prevention of religious extremism and terrorism

22 september, 2023

As part of the implementation of the SDG item16 "Peace, justice and effective institutions", a training seminar for students was held, organized by the Department of Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure and Criminalistics of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University together with leading experts of the information and explanatory group in the field of religion on the topic: "Prevention of religious extremism and terrorism". At the event, the speaker was: member of the information and explanatory group of Almaty in the field of religions, master, religious scholar Abdrakhmanov S.M.
The training seminar was attended by teachers and students of the 3rd and 4th courses in the educational programs "6B12301 Law Enforcement" and "6B04205 Jurisprudence".
The purpose of the training seminar is to form a secular consciousness, a civic position on countering terrorism and extremism and its prevention, explaining the secular principles of the state and popularizing traditional values, as well as improving religious literacy among students, questions were raised about the dangers of Internet resources promoting extremism and terrorism, the perniciousness of destructive pseudo-religious movements.