"Efficient use of natural resources"

15 september, 2023

On September 15, 2023, A.O. Maukeyeva, the teacher of  the Department of World Literature and Russian Philology, organized an educational  on the Sustainable Development Goal's theme:  "Effective Use of Natural Resources" with together with  4th-year students majoring in "6B02307: Russian Philology." The purpose of the event was to raise awareness of the issues surrounding energy usage, energy conservation, and energy resources, as well as environmental protection. The event goal was also to  encourage   the students to conserve energy and resources and to build their knowledge of environmentally - secure lifestyle.

The students displayed their great knowledge and erudition by giving presentations, responding to quiz questions, and participating in discussions. Additionally, they made reports on   pressing issues and presented a video  about  the rational nature management, took an active part in the discussions. Thanks to the given event the students learnt a lot of new useful information for themselves.  

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