International scientific and practical conference «Actual problems of modern archeology, ethnology and museology of Eurasia: new concepts and results»

28 september, 2023









We invite you to take part in the international scientific and practical conference «Actual problems of modern archeology, ethnology and museology of Eurasia: new concepts and results» dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the birth of the famous scientist, archaeologist, ethnographer, teacher – Toleubaev Abdesh Tashkenovich.

Conference time and place:

November 15, 2023

Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

Faculty of History


The conference will be held in the following thematic areas:

  • Essays and memoirs about A.T. Toleubaev and his scientific discoveries;
  • Actual problems of ancient and medieval archeology;
  • Actual problems of ethnic history and ethnocultural processes;
  • Field materials of archaeological and ethnographic expeditions;
  • Methods for the study, preservation and museumification of historical and cultural heritage;
  • Interdisciplinary methods in archeology and interdisciplinary research.


The working languages of the conference are Kazakh, English, Russian. The conference will be held online and offline. Zoom Conference    Conference ID: 719 5015 1424, Access Code: 8cS713

To participate in the conference until October 25 (inclusive) 2023, you need to send the completed application form and the text of the report to e-mail:   


The expenses of the participants are financed by the incoming party.




The texts of reports up to 10 pages in length (main text, references, captions to figures and tables) should be submitted as a file in the format*. doc, *. docx. Font Times New Roman 12 size; interval – single; margins: top and left 3 cm, right 1.5 cm, bottom 2.5 cm. red line indent: 1 cm.

Illustrative materials and their captions are sent in separate files. Drawings and illustrations of up to 5 copies in jpg or tiff format with a resolution of at least 300 dpi are accepted. References in the text to figures and tables are given in parentheses according to the following pattern (Fig. 1, 3; 2, 4), (Table 1).

The text of the article is formed on the right edge of the first row indicates the author (name and surname), the second the full name of the place of work, the third and fourth e-mail address of the author (authors), the fifth title of the report neprofitnim bold. Next, after the gap in 1 interval – the text of the article with a red line.

References to literature are placed in the text in parentheses (last name, year of publication, page). For example, (Омаров, 2014, с. 15-20). In the case of a reference to collective work, you should indicate up to the first three surnames (Айтқұл, 2016, 137-146 бб.).

The list of references is drawn up at the end of the text in alphabetical order. The list of references is compiled in alphabetical order (the author's surname and initials, the title of the work, place, publisher, year of publication, pages) in the original language.

For example:



Толеубаев А.Т. Раннесакская шиликтинская культура. Алматы: Изд-во

ИП «Садвакасов А.К.», 2018. 528 с.

Monograph in the series

Арсланова Ф.Х. Очерки средневековой археологии Верхнего Прииртышья // МИАК / Под ред. З. Самашева; сост. Б.М. Хасенова. Т. 3. Астана: Издательская группа ФИА КН МОН РК, 2013. 405 с.

Article/abstracts in the conference materials

Айтқұл Х.А. ҚР Мемлекеттік орталық музейінің 2014 жылы Алматы облысы Жамбыл ауданына қарасты Ақтерек ауылдық округінде орналасқан археологиялық ескерткіштерге жүргізілген қазба жұмыстарының нәтижелері // «Қазіргі жоғарғы білім жүйесіндегі археология, этнология және музейтану» атты «VІІІ Оразбаев оқулары» халықаралық ғылыми-әдістемелік конференция материалдары / жауапты ред. А.Б. Қалыш. (1–2 апреля, 2016 г.). Алматы: Қазақ университеті, 2016. 137-146 бб.

Article in the collection

Акишев К.А., Акишев А.К. Проблема хронологии раннего этапа сакской культуры // Археологические памятники Казахстана. Алма-Ата: Наука КазССР, 1978. С. 38–64.

Article in a periodical

Бейсенов А.З. Предметы искусства ранних саков Сарыарки как свидетельства взаимодействия культур // Вестник Кемеровского государственного университета. Кемерово: Изд-во КемГУ, 2013. № 3 (55). С. 13–17.

Field report

Кушаев Г.А. Памятники Алакульской впадины и долины реки Лепсы. 1964 г. // Архив ИА КН МОН РК. Ф. 2, д. 1068, 157 л.


Information about the funding (if available) of research (indication of the fund, grant number and its name) is written after the list of references.

At the end of the report, an abstract is given in English. The abstract includes the surname and initials of the author / authors, the title of the article (not written) and the text of no more than 300 words (at least 150). If the article is in English, the abstract is given in Kazakh or Russian.

You should not: tabulate; mark words with a space (there should be only one space between words and characters); separate paragraphs with an empty line; use commands that run automatically (insert footnotes to literature, hyperlinks and notes, mark and number paragraphs, etc.); use macros, save the text as a template and with the 'read-only' setting; format the text and make forced hyphenation. The specified units of measurement must correspond to the SI system.

Materials that are not relevant to the topic of the conference and formatted not in accordance with the requirements, sent later than the deadline, by decision of the Organizing Committee are not included in the collection of scientific works.



to participate in the international scientific and practical conference

«Actual problems of modern archeology, ethnology and Museology of Eurasia: new concepts and results»,

November 15, 2023

Full name of speaker(s)


Country, city


Full name of the organization




Academic degree, academic title


Contact phone number




Title of the report (in capital letters)


The need for a personal invitation for a business trip (yes/no)



Please send all questions and suggestions related to the conference to the following addresses:


Besetayev Bauyrzhan

contact number: +7 702 791 36 31



Shaimukhanova Didar Serikovna

contact number: +7 771 833 82 83


Sincerely, Organizing Committee