“Russian is a language of intercultural communication between Russia, Kazakhstan, and China”

29 september, 2023

On September 29, 2023, at 15:00 (Moscow time) on the ZOOM platform, a panel discussion on the topic: “Russian is a  language of intercultural communication between Russia, Kazakhstan, and China” was held  with the support of  G.R. Derzhavin's Tambov State University. The organizers of the discussion were the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, the Russian Culture Foundation, Tambov State University, and etc.

 There were representatives from Kazakhstan (A.A. Rubas, A.B. Tumanova, R.D. Elibaeva, D.Zh. Mamyrbaeva, A.D. Anarbekova), from China (Zhang Liwei, Ye Lin, He Ziyi, Gao Yanzhong), and from Russia (L.A. Pronina, A.S. Shcherbak, L.E. Khvorova, T.A. Korosteleva, N.E. Dmitrieva).   Professor A.B. Tumanova, the lecturer of  the Department of Russian Philology and World Literature of the Philological faculty of Al-Farabi KazNU made a report on the topic:  "Studying the concepts of modern philological science: an integrative approach" which of was a particular interest.  She shared her experience of teaching the elective course “Concepts of modern philological science (linguistics/literary criticism)”  that is included  in  the updated  educational program for doctoral students majoring in  “Russian language and literature.”

All participants of  the discussion were unanimous in the opinion that the study of the Russian language as a language of interethnic communication at the present stage of development of society in Russia, Kazakhstan, and China remains relevant, and the role of the Russian language as an intermediary language in international communication is quite high ( the 3rd-year PhD student A.D. Chalimbayeva, supervisor  A.B. Tumanova).

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