KazNU concluded a memorandum with "Astana Motors Manufacturing Kazakhstan"

4 october, 2023

Al-Farabi Kazakh National University signed a memorandum of cooperation with Astana Motors Manufacturing Kazakhstan LLP.

Welcoming the guests, member of the Board - Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs of KazNU Lyazzat Erkinbaeva told about the activities and achievements of the university.

Today KazNU cooperates with 620 leading universities of the world and well-known companies. Such scientific and educational collaborations open wide opportunities for development, obtaining new knowledge and skills, passing practical training. This year KazNU enrolled more than 10 thousand students, masters and doctoral students, which proves the popularity and demand for training within the walls of the leading university of the country.

In general, more than 25 thousand students are studying at the university. KazNU was awarded the status of a research university. Branches of the university were opened in Istanbul (Turkey) and Bishkek (Kyrgyzstan). Also on the basis of KazNU there is a branch of the National Nuclear Research University MEPhI of Russia. In addition, work is underway to open a branch of the Northwestern Polytechnic University of China.

"The signing of a memorandum of cooperation with Astana Motors Manufacturing Kazakhstan LLP opens new opportunities for interaction between the university and the company. This partnership can lead to the development of joint projects, exchange of experience and knowledge, as well as provide students with the opportunity of internship or employment in the company after graduation. Our cooperation will contribute to the development of education, science and industry in the region. We look forward to successful cooperation and mutual benefits for the parties," said Vice-Rector Lyazzat Erkinbaeva.

In turn, the director of "Astana Motors Manufacturing Kazakhstan" Maxim Tarasov thanked the leadership of the university for the warm welcome, spoke about the activities and plans of the new automobile plant, which is part of the Astana Motors group.

According to him, the company claims to be a major plant of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the assembly of passenger cars with a production volume of 90,000 cars per year. During the exchange of views the participants of the meeting discussed issues on the development of mutual cooperation, organization of production practices at bachelor's degree, research practices at master's degree. The agreed memorandum was signed for five years, which will contribute to the preparation of joint projects for competitions for the creation of centers of competence and many others.

Press-service of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

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