Dear teachers, happy holiday!

5 october, 2023

Ұстаз болу – жүректің батырлығы,
Ұстаз болу – сезімнің ақындығы,
Ұстаз болу – мінездің күн шуағы,
Азбайтұғын адамның алтындығы!

author: Gafu Kairbekov

The scientist mastering science, the hero defending the country, the poet with honey dripping from his tongue, the worker melting iron in the mill, the farmer planting crops, the shepherd sweating for the livestock, the astronaut who walked through the blue dome - they all received education and training from the teacher, therefore All people bow to great teachers.

Indeed, a teacher is one of the most difficult and interesting professions. Because the holders of these professions are entrusted with the task of instilling knowledge, sowing the seeds of education and turning them into mountain citizens who know nothing. Therefore, we believe that all other professions owe a debt to teachers. You can see the sincere congratulations of the students to our dear teachers on behalf of the Faculty of Information Technologies, Department of Computer Sciences:

Dear teachers, happy holiday!