A healthy lifestyle is the way to success
A healthy lifestyle is a characteristic of activity, suggesting that a person by his actions creates conditions of good health for his health. The key to active performance, well-being, first of all, is health. Health is the priceless wealth of each individual, and of the whole society as a whole. A healthy person is more active, he has more strength and energy to perform the tasks facing him. He is more productive, and this has a beneficial effect on the results of his work in training. Good health affects the success of our undergraduates also because it forms a sense of self-confidence, self-esteem and self-worth.
In this regard, a healthy lifestyle helps undergraduates to fulfill the goals of sustainable development and tasks, successfully implement their plans in obtaining a quality education. Changing your lifestyle in time means choosing the shortest path to success. Success is a significant completed work or task, a positive emotional state from its completion, recognition of its importance in the eyes of others, as well as a positive result of actions, luck in achieving goals. One of the goals of undergraduates to implement a healthy lifestyle is to actively spend free time.
So, on September 23, 2023, on the implementation of the sustainable development goal 3 of the Department of Business Technologies, under the leadership of the head of the department, Akhmetova Z.B. and associate professors Kamali K.M and Sartova R.B., an excursion was organized for 2nd-year undergraduates of the specialty "Logistics" to the high-altitude sports complex "Medeo", where undergraduates rested, breathed fresh mountain air after the rain which is so lacking in the big metropolis of Almaty.
Thus, the problem of proper organization of free time is of interest for obtaining high-quality education and research, it is also relevant for our undergraduates. However, if undergraduates follow a healthy lifestyle, they can achieve the goal of sustainable development and become highly qualified specialists in the field of logistics.