"Memoria: Images of Mentors in Russian Literature Abroad"

10 october, 2023

On October 10, 2023, a quiz tournament on the topic: "Memoria: Images of Mentors in Russian Literature Abroad" was held with  the 2nd-year master students  of Russian Language and Literature major.

      N.K. Sarsekeeva opened the event with her speech devoted to  the role of mentors in the history of world culture and in the process of forming Russian literature abroad of the first wave after the October Revolution of 1917, their fate and influence on the spiritual and moral life of Russian emigrants.

       G. Duz-oglu, Berimzharova A., Dosimkankyzy A., Kuchelenko A.  made the presentations about  the life and creative work of  the outstanding representatives of Russian literature abroad (I. Bunin, I. Shmelev, D. Merezhkovsky, N. Teffi, etc.). Their presentations contained  detailed comments on the writer’s continuous, efficient and  disinterested educational and patriotic activities despite  being isolated  from their Motherland.

    The student  Adilbekova M. prepared  blitz quiz questions on  the facts of the biography and work of these writers.  The audience quickly  answered these questions. To asses the audience’s answers the students chose the group of experts from among themselves.

     During the event, foreign students, master's degree  students from China and Turkey - Zhang Haozhan and Elyanur Lagji  shared their impressions about  the role of mentors in their lives, talked about the status of teachers in their native countries.

     At the end of the event  Assoc. N.K. Sarsekeeva summed up the results of the quiz tournament and said about the significance of the given event for students. Then all participants took  a general photo to impress the today’s event in their memories.


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