Announcement of the competition for grant funding of young scientists on the project "Zhas ғalym" for 2024-2026 years

11 october, 2023


The Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter - MSHE RK) announces a competition for grant funding of fundamental and applied scientific research of young scientists - postdoctoral students under the project "Zhas galym" for 2024-2026 on the following priority areas of science development according to the Competitive Documentation:

- Ecology, environment and environmental management;

- Energy, advanced materials and transportation;

- Advanced manufacturing, digital and space technologies;

- Intellectual potential of the country;

- Life Science and Health;

- Sustainable development of the agro-industrial complex;

- National Security and Defense, Biological Security.

Call center for work with the information system of JSC "NCSTE" ( for registration of applications and receipt of IRN: 8-727-355-50-01 (ext. 210, 216, 217, 218, 219, 221, 224, 226, 227, 228, 229, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236). Opening hours: Mon. - Fri., 9:00 - 18:30 hours, lunch 13:00 - 14:30 hours.

On questions of explanation of the competitive documentation and registration of an application to address by phone 8 (7172) 74-24-85, 74-24-71; on financial questions 8 (7172) 74-16-53. Working hours: Mon. - Fri., 9:00 - 18:30, lunch 13:00 - 14:30.

Competitive applications are submitted to the Committee of Science of MNVO RK in electronic form, certified by the electronic digital signature of the postdoctoral fellow and the applicant, through the information system of JSC "NCSTE" at the link: The beginning of applications acceptance - from October 13, 2023.

Final deadline for submission of applications - November 11, 2023 (inclusive).

Annex (CD "Zhas ғalym")