Respect for your language, respect for your country

12 october, 2023

In order to strengthen friendship and unity between representatives of different nationalities living in an independent country,   to develop a sense of respect for the state language the  teachers of the Department of Foreign Languages of the Faculty of Philology of  al-Farabi KazNU, together with the  students of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, held a festive event: “Respect for the language – respect for the country”.

Language,  first of all, was   a precious treasure for our ancestors. Secondly,  it is a  diplomatic tool. Through language we can see   culture,  literature, history and traditions of nations. Language is a means of communication between people. Without language there is no society. These two concepts cannot exist without each other. All important periods of our history are recorded with the help of language.

The event was opened by   the teacher of the Department of Foreign Languages,  Kuralova Altynkyz Toktarovna who was one of the organizers. “As our ancestors said: “Know the language of seven nationalities, know seven different knowledge,”” A. T. Kuralova noted.  She also emphasized that  knowledge of  languages has  a special place in our country.   Instilling  love for the native language and knowing  several languages are necessary factors  for the country development.

During the event,  the students  knew  about the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan on language,  the history of the holyday:   the Day  of Languages  and how it gained the status of a public holiday. They were also told about the approval of the decree according to which Kazakh language received  the status of  the state language.    The students  recited the poems  about language in Kazakh, Russian, English, Chinese,  proverbs and sayings.  They performed Kazakh kyuis on the dombra,  songs and dances.

The  senior teacher of the Department of Foreign Languages,  K. Kh. Zhubanova ended the event having said: “The Republic of Kazakhstan is a multinational state. Currently, representatives of more than 130 nationalities live in the country”.  She  congratulated the students on the Day of Languages, having emphasized that   the event  was organized  at a very high level.  She told   Al-Farabi KazNU students   that they should love  their native language,  study foreign languages and be a  good  citizens who would be able to make Kazakhstan prosperous country .

The event organizers : senior teacher of the Department of Foreign Languages K. Kh. Zhubanova.,  Kuralova A.T.,  Yermakhanbet N.R. and  Ushkempirov .B.М.

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