Students of the branch of KazNU in Bishkek visited the Faculty of Biology of KazNU named after Al-Farabi as part of the campus tour

20 october, 2023

For students studying in the branch of the Kazakh National University named after аl-Farabi in Bishkek (Kyrgyz Republic), was organized campus-tour.
Within the framework of the visit, students and teachers of the branch in the specialty of Biomedicine visited the University Museum, Biological Museum, research laboratories, winter garden and got acquainted with the аl-Farabi Library. A welcome reception and concert program were organized for the guests.  

The organizers of the welcoming event were candidate of biological sciences, acting professor Ablaikhanova N.T., coordinator of the specialty "Biomedicine" of the Department of Biophysics, Biomedicine and Neuroscience of the Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology; associate professor Umbetyarova L.B.; senior lecturer Esenbekova A.E. Also actively participated master students of the 1st year and 3rd year bachelor students of the department, studying in this specialty. 

During the meeting with the Dean of the Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology, Professor Kurmanbaeva Meruert Sakenkyzy, students from Kyrgyzstan, studying biomedicine, and senior lecturer of the branch Beishenbaeva Elza Mukashevna, familiarized with the training programs and research work.

Students of the Department of Biophysics, Biomedicine and Neuroscience, Master's and Bachelor's students studying in the biomedicine program, showed the biological museum at the faculty and shared information about the history under the guidance of Candidate of Biological Sciences, Acting Professor Nurzhanyat Tatukhanovna Ablaikhanova.

The delegation from Kyrgyzstan visited the research laboratories of the Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology, where they familiarized themselves with the goals and progress of ongoing research. 

The guests saw the "winter garden", admired the beauty of our educational institution and shared their impressions. 

They also visited the museum of KazNU named after Al-Farabi, where the history and traditions of the development of the university were demonstrated, and familiarized themselves with the works of scientists. 

Before the concert program, students and teachers visited the structure and attractions of Al-Farabi Library.  

At the end of the campus tour we made memorable photos, arranged a dinner for our guests and escorted them further.

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