Hand hygiene as a basis for the prevention of Infections related to the provision of medical care

30 october, 2023

Senior lecturer of the Department of Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Evidence-based Medicine of the FMiZ Ph.D., Daniyarova A.B. conducted a seminar for hospital epidemiologists of practical health care "Rules of the gigina of hands", 10/27/2023.

Hand hygiene is a priority measure that has proven effective in preventing food-related infections and spreading antimicrobial resistance.

The purpose of the webinar is to provide practical assistance in choosing the most effective and safe methods of hand hygiene.

Hand skin treatment includes a number of complementary methods (levels): hand washing, hygienic antiseptics of the skin of the hands, each of which plays a role in preventing the occurrence of infections

It should be noted that all these methods affect the microflora of the skin of the hands to one degree or another – resident (permanent) or transient (temporary). Microorganisms of the resident flora are located under the surface cells of the stratum corneum of the epithelium - this is a normal human microflora. Transient microflora gets on the skin of the hands as a result of working with contaminated environmental objects, as well as in case of non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene, it remains on the skin for up to 24 hours, and its species composition is directly dependent on the nature of the employee's activity and his state of health.

Speaking about the levels of hand processing, it should be noted that their purpose is not to replace each other, but to complement each other. So, hand washing allows you to perform mechanical cleaning of organic and inorganic contaminants and only partially remove the transient microflora from the skin. At the same time, it is preferable for workers involved in the preparation and distribution of food products to use soaps for hygienic hand washing, which will cause the least harm to the skin, while ensuring maximum effect.



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