The use of digital technologies in jurisprudenceFarabi University

The use of digital technologies in jurisprudence

31 october, 2023

On October 31, 2023, the Department of theory and history of State and law, constitutional and administrative law of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University held an educational and methodological seminar on the topic "the use of digital technologies in jurisprudence". The seminar was organized by members of the Academic Committee on the quality of Education and training of the Faculty of law Mynbatyrova N. K., Biskultanova a.m. The purpose of the educational and methodological seminar is to consider new ways to implement the 4th UN Sustainable Development Goal "quality education" and intensify work in the field of improving the quality of education through the use of digital technologies in the field of jurisprudence, develop the creative activity of young teachers, improve their professional skills.
The seminar was attended by the teaching staff of the department, as well as doctoral students and undergraduates.

The seminar began with an introductory speech by the head of the Department, Ph. D. R. Useinova. The main speakers at the seminar were Doctor of law, professor Ibraeva A. S., doctor of law, professor Baimakhanova D. M., Doctor of Law, Associate Professor Kalisheva N. K., candidate of Law, Associate Professor Isabekov A. K., candidate of law, senior lecturer Zharbolova A. zh., candidate of law, senior lecturer Smanova A. B., candidate of law, senior lecturer.karataeva, M. D., senior lecturer E. Ondashuly T. B. shared his thoughts and practical experience on improving ways to improve digital literacy in higher education, on the prospects for the development of digitalization in the field of law enforcement, on the legal regulation of digital technologies in the field of healthcare, on increasing the effectiveness of the use of digital technologies in distance learning courses at the Faculty of law, as well as on the possibility of equal access to information resources.

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