Students are adapting to the workplace

6 november, 2023

Within the framework of the Sustainable Development Goal at the Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology often organize industrial practice for the interaction of production and knowledge. At the Department of General and Inorganic Chemistry, the 3rd year students of the specialty "6v05301 - Chemistry" underwent industrial practice in "Tsin-Kaz" LLP on fruit and vegetable processing and production of packaging containers.

The purpose of the internship-adaptation of bachelor students to work in production. In the course of practice, bachelor students studied in detail the issues of analyzing the practical significance of production. The study showed that the important place for carrying out the concepts of quality, characteristics. Recognized chemist-technologist, able to professionally apply theoretical knowledge in practice.

Three days of practice were devoted to familiarization with the composition of products. For example: types of ketchup (garlic, tomato, pepper), except sauce and marinade (cobra, satsibel, gherkin, cucumber, tomato), jams: strawberry, raspberry, black currant, etc. one copy of each product produced at the factory, students visited the warehouse, where they stored for safety reasons. In case of poisoning, this product could be cited as evidence. Familiarized themselves with the types of food storage jars, labels on the outside. The label shows the expiration date, date of manufacture, trademark, bar code, and the color should be clear.

The factory makes an examination of products from China within 14 days. It checks its chemical composition. The chemical parameters of tomato paste, soy sauce and chili sauce are the same. Specialists explained to students that a protocol is necessarily drawn up for raw materials entering the factory. In order to protect the products, control is carried out. Only after that the products are brought to the market. Only after inspection by the chief laboratorian Kuderina A. products are sent to the market.

In the plant shop it is important to monitor temperature, pressure, time. When studying the physical, organoleptic, chemical composition, the laboratory staff work hard and check the correctness of products. The chemical methods used to study the composition of the product include electrothermal methods, coulometry, gravimetry and other methods.

All products are manufactured in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documents - enterprise standards, interstate standards. And the safety of products is conducted in accordance with the technical regulations of the EAEU. The production laboratory equipped with modern equipment allows to control the quality of raw materials used and products manufactured at a high level.

Four management systems in accordance with the requirements of international standards ISO 9001, ISO 22 000, OHSAS 180001, ISO 50 001, as well as Japanese kaizen-technology of sustainable improvement are implemented at the enterprise and all of them work successfully.

Teachers of the Department of General and Inorganic Chemistry make a great contribution to the development of personality in the socio-economic direction, in the direction of training of technical and professional specialists in the conditions of continuing education, taking into account the individual needs of the personality in accordance with the requirements of the labor market.

Beykut Balysheva,

Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology

Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor