KazNU students received POSCO scholarship

6 november, 2023

Al-Farabi Kazakh National University awarded certificates to students - winners of the scholarship of the international program POSCO.

Zhamilya Aitzhanova, Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation Activities, and Byung-wook Park, General Director of POSCO's program in Kazakhstan, took part in the ceremony.

Scholarships of POSCO program in the amount of $800 for excellent achievements in studies were awarded to 10 female students of Al-Farabi KazNU faculties: international relations - Amina Nurgalimova, Adia Saktaganova, philological - Zulfiya Isagalieva, Madina Malekova, Balausa Aagabek, biology - Alena Tolstikova, law - Zhanerke Kanbatyrova, Higher School of Economics and Business - Aruzhan Ospanova, Shugyla Jolamankyzyzy and Valeria Lis.

Congratulating the talented scholarship holders, Zhamilya Aitzhanova, Member of the Board - Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation Activities, emphasized the significance of the event. "In September 2023, 43 students applied for participation in the POSCO program, of which 15 candidates were selected for an interview with Byung-wook Park, General Director of POSCO program in Kazakhstan. As a result, 10 female students were selected by the coordinators and received a one-time scholarship of $800 under the POSCO Asia Fellowship Foundation program. This is evidence of the high level of the competition and quality training of our students", - said the Vice-Rector.

Director General of POSCO program in Kazakhstan Byung-wook Park, presenting the certificates, said: "This is the third time we award POSCO scholarship to your students, and I am very happy about it. I strive to increase the number of scholarships under this program. And I appreciate the opportunity to cooperate with Al-Farabi KazNU".

Recall that the agreement between KazNU and POSCO Foundation on awarding scholarships to students of the university was signed in 2007. The Foundation provides assistance under the POSCO Asia Fellowship program in the form of scholarships to students from Asia who study in Korea, allocates grants for the study of Asia, as well as scholarships to students of Asian universities studying on a fee basis as financial aid.

Press-service of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University