The game is forgotten, but the result remains!

7 november, 2023

On November 2, 2023, at the sports complex of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, 16 student teams took part in the interfaculty mini-football competition for the Sunkar Cup.

Thanks to the enormous support of the fans, the Economy team of the Higher School of Economics and Business won the Sunkar Cup. Having beaten the teams of the IT Faculty, Geofaculty, Physics and Technology and in the final the team of the Chemistry Faculty. Thus, goal 3 of sustainable development at the department was achieved.

The Cup was presented to the winners by the Chairman of the student organization “Sunkar” of the University Nurqiyas A.A.



Congratulations to the HSE&B Economy winning team:

1) Murat Nurdaulet - Logistics group K-1

2) Nurlybek Adil - State Medical University

3) Zhetigen Nurdos – State Medical University

4) Nurmukhanbet Bakdaulet – Logistics group K-1

5) Kenzhegaliev Sanzhar – Economics

6) Sembai Eldos – Management

7) Batyrkhan Bakdaulet – Logistics group K-1

8) Narikbay Didar – Logistics group K-1


The Department of Business Technologies congratulates its students of the EP “Logistics”:

1) Murat Nurdaulet - Logistics gr K-1

2) Batyrkhan Bakdaulet –Logistics gr K-1

3) Narikbai didar – Logistics gr K-1

4) Nurmukhanbet Bakdaulet – Logistics gr K-1


Congratulations to our students on this success!


We wish you to move forward to new victories, enhancing the image of HSE&B!