SDG 4. Open curatorial hour on the topic "Drug addiction is the enemy of health"Farabi University

SDG 4. Open curatorial hour on the topic "Drug addiction is the enemy of health"

8 november, 2023

On November 8, at 12.00, an open curatorial hour was organized by second-year students of the department of thermophysics and technical physics, on the topic "Drug addiction is the enemy of health".

The purpose of the event is to help students realize the harmfulness of addiction to narcotic substances and its consequences, to give an idea of drug addiction as a factor that destroys health, to form a persistent rejection of drugs, to introduce criminal liability for use and distribution.

The event was attended by teachers of the department Maksutkhanova A.M., Ospanova Sh.S., Tazhenova M.S. and leading specialist Kalibaeva K.S. Responsible curators-advisors: Tazhenova M.S., Maksutkhanova A.M., Ospanova Sh.S. After the event, the guests expressed special gratitude to the students for their active participation in the social life of the faculty.