Rector of KazNU met with the President of QS

15 november, 2023

Chairman of the Board - Rector of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Zhanseit Tuimebayev held a meeting with the President of QS rating agency Nunzio Quacarelli and Regional Director of QS rating agency for Russia, Eastern Europe and Central Asia Sergey Khristolyubov.

During the meeting the rector expressed his gratitude for the trust and recognition in the QS Asia University Rankings. In this ranking KazNU rose from 44th to 29th place among 856 participating universities.

Today 95% of educational programs (EP) of KazNU are accredited by national and international accreditation agencies. The University in the rating by subject areas (QS by Subject) is in the top of the best in 4 subject areas and 14 areas of training. 

The rector informed the guests about scientific, innovative, educational, international and social activities of the University. Scientists carry out 350 research projects with a total funding of 9,136 million tenge. Six scientific journals of KazNU are included in the Web of Science database. The number of publications on base Scopus and Web of Science for 2023 already makes 4587 publications.  For the last 5 years KazNU has attracted investments amounting to over 2.5 billion tenge. To support talented students from low-income families at the expense of sponsorship funds directed more than 700 million tenge in the form of social scholarships. To attract to science and support young scientists and talented students 10% of the total amount of financing of research works of the university is directed.

Al-Farabi KazNU has been the global hub of the UN Academic Impact Program on Sustainability for four consecutive terms. It cooperates with more than 600 leading universities worldwide and is a member of many major international associations and consortia.

The head of the university also informed about the activities for 2024, timed to the 90th anniversary of the founding of KazNU, and emphasized the importance of holding QS summit of universities on the basis of the university. It should be noted that in 2024 in KazNU it is planned to hold QS summit on higher education in the Asia-Pacific region. The preliminary number of participants from almost 40 countries of the world, 800 experts in the field of higher education.

In turn, the president of QS rating agency Nunzio Kvakarelli thanked the leadership of the university for a warm welcome and noted that since 2011 KazNU is the undisputed leader among Kazakh universities in the international rating QS WUR of the best universities in the world. In 2023 in the QS rating there were changes in methodology and new indicators were added. These indicators cover the key strategic missions of universities of global importance, for which they are responsible to the participants of the process: the academic community, employers, students and their parents.

During the meeting, the parties discussed a number of issues related to the joint development of a plan and establishment of a working group to prepare for the QS Asia-Pacific 2024 Summit, holding seminars on methodologies of dynamic advancement in QS ranking.

Press-service of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University