Gala concert of the contest" young talents"

20 november, 2023

On November 17, at the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, in the Palace of students named after U. A. Zholdasbekov, in honor of the International Day of students, the exhibition "we are the youth of New Kazakhstan!"the gala concert of the competition of young talents was held. The qualifying round of the competition was attended by more than 2000 students of the 1st Year of the University of Kazakhstan, Foreign and talented with developmental disabilities.

The purpose of this competition is to identify talented young people who have shown themselves in various art competitions and to show the national spiritual height of the New Kazakhstan, to popularize the power of the art world among student youth.

About 300 students were awarded in the categories" artisans"," singers"," mastery of playing musical instruments"," drivers"," acting"," Best mobilograph"," folk and classical, modern".

The winners were awarded with diplomas of the chairman of the board-Rector of the Al – Farabi Kazakh National University Zhanseit Tuimebayev and a ticket to Issyk-Kul.

The winners of the Grand Prix performed on the stage. At the end of the evening, the participants of the "alga, Kazakhstan!"with the audience in the Hall.