22 november, 2023

On November 18, 2023, volleyball competitions among students living in the houses of students (girls) were held in the sports complex of al-Farabi Kazakh National University, in Hall No. 1, together with the youth organization "Alliance of Students". 12 women's teams took part in the competition. The games were held according to the Olympic system – lost, dropped out of the competition. In a stubborn struggle, the places were distributed as follows:

1st place - House of Students No. 7 (Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology)

2nd place - House of Students No. 16 (Higher School of Economics and Business)

3rd place Student House No. 4 (Faculty of Geography and Environmental Management)

The games were exciting. All the participants played with great excitement. The fans supported their teams with whistles, chants, and drumming.

Judge: Sinelnikova Galina Alexandrovna

Sports Club

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