Lectures on the psychology of maintaining the health of modern people

27 october, 2023

From October 27 to November 23, 2023, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University will host lectures by visiting professor, PhD Alena Ilyinichna Garber (University of Modern Sciences, the Netherlands).

The topic of the course “Systematic approach in the psychology of preserving the health of a modern person: disorders caused by stress and stress management” (“Ein systematischer psychologischer Ansatz zur Gesundheitserhaltung eines modernen Menschen: stressbedingte Störungen und Stressbewältigung”), is aimed at protecting and preserving the mental health of people, introduces types of stress, tests, teaches skills to manage emotions and coping behavior.

The content of the classes corresponds to the sustainable development goal 3 “Health and well-being”.

At the first lessons, the professor introduced students to the concept of “toxic stress”, different scientific schools in the definition of stress, the provisions of the draft law on anti-stress, etc.

Doctoral and master's students of the EP “Psychology” are invited to the lectures.