Welcome, freshman!

26 september, 2023


September quickly flew, but many "fresh" students have the processes of adaptation to university life in full swing. The guys have to get used to the new environment, the mode of the day, the educational process, which is not always easy and easy. 

For many freshmen, this is the first serious experience of independent living away from a parent family. It is no secret that "freshman" experience such difficulties as mental and physical activity, difficulties in communicating with teachers and peers, problems with housing, adaptation to life in the big city and many others. Facing difficulties and stresses increases the risk of forming unhealthy habits such as smoking, drinking alcohol (such as beer), drugs.

At the Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science of Al-Farabi KazNU, a project is being implemented to psychologically support and adapt students, primarily freshmen. Volunteers from among psychology students of 2-4 courses conduct trainings for freshmen in the development of stress resistance skills, conscious attitude to health, effective communication. This approach, based on the principle of "Equal - Equal" (or Student Student), is many times more effective than the "correct" lectures and conversations of parents or teachers, because asking for advice and trusting your peer is often much easier than an adult.

September quickly flew, but many "fresh" students have the processes of adaptation to university life in full swing. The guys have to get used to the new environment, the mode of the day, the educational process, which is not always easy and easy. For many freshmen, this is the first serious experience of independent living away from a parent family. It is no secret that "freshman" experience such difficulties as mental and physical activity, difficulties in communicating with teachers and peers, problems with housing, adaptation to life in the big city and many others. Facing difficulties and stresses increases the risk of forming unhealthy habits such as smoking, drinking alcohol (such as beer), drugs.

At the Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science of Al-Farabi KazNU, a project is being implemented to psychologically support and adapt students, primarily freshmen. Volunteers from among psychology students of 2-4 courses conduct trainings for freshmen in the development of stress resistance skills, conscious attitude to health, effective communication. This approach, based on the principle of "Equal - Equal" (or Student Student), is many times more effective than the "correct" lectures and conversations of parents or teachers, because asking for advice and trusting your peer is often much easier than an adult.

For volunteer students, participation in the project makes it possible to feel socially significant, express themselves through good deeds, acquire skills and practical skills that can be useful in later life.

The project is supported by the NGO Partners for Health. Many interesting and useful events are planned for 2023-2024: trainings, psychological consultations, sports competitions, cultural events and much more. The event was held within the framework of Sustainable Development Goal 3: Ensuring a healthy lifestyle and promoting well-being for all at all ages.

Project coordinators and organizers: A.O. Omirbekova, Z.B. Madalieva, S.K. Kudaibergenova, B.B. Ayazbaeva, Partners for Health NGO.