Meeting on the topic "Kazakh dalasyndagy ruhaniyat"

4 october, 2023


Kazakh National University named after. Al-Farabi, Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science, Department of Religious Studies and Cultural Studies, Al-Farabi Center and the Center for Religious Studies and Expertise, together with the Department of Religious Affairs of Almaty, organized a meeting on October 4, 2023 on the topic “Kazakh dalasyndagy ruhaniyat” with the famous religious scholar, theologian, psychologist, chief imam of the mosque “Yryskeldy Kazhi” Nurlan Baizhigituly.

During the meeting on the topic “Kazakh dalasyndagy ruhaniyat,” an interview was conducted with Nurlan Baizhigitovich. Nurlan Baizhigituly is known on the Internet as “Nurlan Imam” and on his personal pages captivates young people with his answers to questions related to traditions, religion and nation. As part of this meeting, Nurlan Baizhigituly answered traditional and religious questions that are now relevant among young people and not only among young people, but also in society. The main goal of this meeting is to popularize national values, honoring our long-standing traditions and customs. The event was attended by students of the Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science, the Faculty of Oriental Studies and college students of KazNU named after. al-Farabi. Among the participants, students majoring in Religious Studies and Islamic Studies also received answers to their questions related to their profession. During the event, special attention was paid to the traditions of our country and Kazakh spirituality. “Education without upbringing is the worst enemy of humanity,” this is what they say to every person who should know their history, traditions, language and religion. His duty is to honor and pass on to the next generation. As future owners of their majors, students often benefit from meeting popular personalities.