The city debate tournament "Disciples of Al-Farabi VIII" was finalized

28 november, 2023

The traditional city debate tournament "Disciples of Al-Farabi VIII" organized by the intellectual debate club "Altyn Sapa" under the Committee of Youth Organizations was held at the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.

The tournament was attended by 128 debaters, grouped into 54 factions. They represented the leading universities of the country: Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, K.I. Satpayev Kazakh National Research Technical University, Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University, Kazakh National Agrarian Research University, Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University, Abylai Khan Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages, Suleiman Demirel University and othersе.

The debates took place over two days - four qualifying rounds in the first, four - playoffs. The main topic of the participants' speeches was "Youth's view on education". During the qualifying debates - rounds students discussed topical issues: how effectively young people use social networks; ideal qualities of modern youth; whether young people participate in innovation processes, whether they are ready to create robots and space exploration; how to protect young people from addiction under the influence of modern technologies and others. Each group (faction) defended its position using arguments and arguments from different fields of knowledge.

The jury consisted of the most active and talented students. They evaluated the participants' presentations according to the criteria of eloquence, logic, argumentation and emotionality. The prize fund amounted to 480 thousand tenge: format "American Parliament": 1st place - 100 000, 2nd place - 70 000, 3rd place - 50 000 tenge, "Lincoln-Douglas": 1st place - 50 000, 2nd place - 30 000. Nominations: "Best Judge" - 50 000 tenge, "Winner of the intellectual game" - 30 000 tenge, etc. The participants demonstrated enviable eloquence, oratory, self-confidence and knowledge. As a result, the prizes were distributed as follows.

1st place by the results of the tournament was taken by the faction "Kazakh propaganda" (Sabit Erzat, Baitureev Bolat.) Second place was won by the faction "Mind and Heart" (Seitov Olzhas, Kaldybay Altynai) SDU. Honorable 3rd place went to the faction "Iron Ladies" (Tolebaeva Gauhar, Yermagambetova Regina) Narhoz and SDU. In the competition "Best Attempt" the best results were shown by the faction "Titan" (Esenbek Karzhaubaevich, Dilnaz Serikbolovna) Almaty Technological University. Yerasyl Shaimuradov (SDU) and Serikuly Abdrahman (K.Sagadiev UMB) were recognized as the best speakers.

Press-service of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University