Sustainable Development Goals: Tourism in Kazakhstan

28 november, 2023

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a collection of seventeen interlinked universal goals adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations in 2015. These seventeen goals are aimed at the improvement of the overall well-being and prosperity of all people in the world. Integrating Sustainable Development Goals in the English language classroom is one of the efficient ways for raising students’ awareness of the existing global issues in the world and their possible solutions.


Master students majoring in “Accounting and Audit” specialty prepared a thematic lesson on the topic “”Kazakhstan has great potential as a highly visited tourist destination”.. KazNU Master student Aichurek Kachkynchieva works in tourism, and she thinks that it has great potential. One of her favourite tourist destinations is Turkestan. On March 31, 2021, at the VIII informal summit of the Cooperation Council of Turkic-Speaking States, a declaration was signed giving Turkestan the status of the spiritual capital of the Turkic world. This document gave positive dynamics to the development of Turkestan in the spiritual and cultural direction. The strategies of development of Turkestan were formulated. It is envisaged that Turkestan will turn into one of the fabulous tourism destinations in Kazakhstan.

Aichurek prepared presentation on the lakes Kolsay and Kaindy. The village of Saty is the gateway to the lakes; Kolsay is 15 km southwest from Saty, Kaindy Lake is 15 km southeast. About 3,000 people live there. People make a living through tourism, 90% of the houses are guest houses. Modern style tourist sites are being developed here.

A.Zhetpisbay, Z.Kalen, N.Kai­rat highlighted Katon-Karagay. Katon-Karagay State National Park is the largest national park in Kazakhstan. Its area exceeds half a million hectares. Katon-Karagay is located in the most picturesque region of Altai mountains and borders on Russia on one side and China on the other. About 30 species of animals and birds listed in the Red Book are habitats of Katon-Karagai. In 2014 the park was included in the UNESCO list of specially protected heritage sites. D. Serik, A. Yuferova presented Ak-Bulak ski resort and Kok Zhailau, D.Ibraeva and A. Nysanova spoke about Astana as a business tourism centre. All presenters expressed their optimism about the future of tourism in Kazakhstan saying that some time will pass and our country will, definitely, become one of the most impressive and most visited tourist destinations!

Indira Orazbekova,

Department of foreign languages