28 october, 2023

Modern migration processes are an integral part of the constant transformation of the system of international relations and reflect key trends in the field of geopolitics and geo-economics. Migration processes in the Eurasian space over the last quarter century have become one of the factors influencing the formation of its socio-economic, ethnocultural and political landscape, as well as an indicator of stability, security and sustainable development in this space.

The conference is the first major international event of the research and think tank “Study of Regional Relations” at the Faculty of International Relations.

This event brought together representatives of the expert and scientific community, public and international organizations and missions accredited in the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as representatives of government agencies.

Representatives of government agencies, diplomatic missions and international organizations took part in the conference. Representatives of the Consulates General of the countries of Central Asia, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the representative office of the Department of Global Communications in Almaty, the International Organization for Migration, which is also a UN agency, NJSC "Otandastar Foundation" and other partners from the number of governmental and non-governmental organizations, partners from foreign and domestic research institutions and universities.

Experts from more than 10 countries took part in the conference, including Brazil, India, Iran, Turkey, Japan, Portugal, USA, France, Bulgaria, Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan.

The purpose of this conference was to strengthen the multilateral expert dialogue on migration issues through the prism of security and cooperation in the Eurasian space.

The conference participants held a discussion on several main blocks of issues, including the main trends, dynamics and forecasts of migration processes in Eurasia, aspects of security and sustainable development, models of migration regulation, as well as the development of international cooperation in the field of migration.

The conference focused on analyzing the role of Central Asia in the formation of a sustainable system for regulating migration processes. Conference participants noted the connection with the UN Sustainable Development Goals - SDG 10 (reducing inequality) and SDG17 (partnerships for sustainable development) to achieve common goals. This is important, since KazNU is the global hub of the UN program - UNAI (Academic Impact). As a global UN hub, the university promotes all 17 Sustainable Development Goals and is ready to constantly expand multilateral cooperation for their implementation.

The conference was held with the support of the “International Center for the Development of Science” of KazNU named after. al-Farabi.

As a result of the conference, a decision was made to promote multilateral dialogue on migration issues in the context of security and sustainable development.

The new reality in which migration processes take place is seen as multidimensional, containing many challenges and requiring an integrated approach to solve all pressing problems and realize the potential of cooperation.

All these issues are expected to be studied separately within the framework of the “Study of Regional Relations” center and to develop this center as a whole in all relevant directions.

As part of the conference, on October 28, 2023, a public lecture was also given by Nurhan Bukharbaevich Zhaliev, Managing Director of the Information and Analytical Department of the «Otandastar Foundation» on the topic “Compatriots abroad and the diaspora policy of Kazakhstan.” The mission of the Otandastar Foundation is the consolidation of Kazakhs around the world around their historical homeland.

Leila Delovarova.

senior lecturer at the department of International

relations and World economy of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University