5 december, 2023

​Logistics is a kind of catalyst for industrial development, and its improvement is of great importance for our country. This process is the pillar on which interstate integration is built. And Kazakhstan, an active supporter of various integration processes, has an important advantage - its geopolitical and economic resources make it possible to successfully realize the transit potential as the most optimal option for land transport links between Asian states and Europe.

​In modern global conditions, logistics plays a key role in the industrial development of states. In a number of countries, the government initially relied on the development of logistics as the main factor in stimulating industrial development.

Kazakhstan, being at the junction of international corridors, has all the prerequisites to become the main logistics link connecting Europe and Asia. The basis for the formation of a multimodal logistics operator of a transnational scale with a full sector of assets and competencies has been determined by NC KTZ JSC. The multimodal company will include the Aktau seaport, the Khorgos-Eastern Gate SEZ, airports, and the terminal network of Kazakhstan.

Systematic work is being carried out in the Republic of Kazakhstan to improve the quality of transport services. First of all, this means reducing transport time, reducing transportation costs, optimizing tariffs, cargo safety and, importantly, training high-quality human resources, which is designed to ensure the normal functioning of the entire logistics system. The governments of many countries rely on the development of logistics, which is the main factor for stimulating economic development.

In modern conditions, logistics plays a key role for the industrial development of economic development is the practical implementation of the internal component of the country, since all cargo transportation in Kazakhstan and goods delivered from Kazakhstan depend on the correct logistics schemes. Especially important is the fact that an integral component of a successful Logistics map of Kazakhstan. This tool for planning the entire transport and logistics system makes it possible for many industrial enterprises to make forecasts of income and expenses on a long-term basis, implement a long-term marketing policy, and take into account all positive factors financially stably.

So, on December 5, 2023, on the implementation of the 4 Sustainable Development

Goals at the Department of "Business Technologies" under the leadership of the head of the department Akhmetova Z.B. and associate professors Sartova R.B., Kamali K.M., an educational event was held on the topic : "Zhahandyk geosayasizhagdayindagi Zhana Kazakstanyn logistikasyn kazirgi jagdayymen damu bolashagi" by undergraduates of the 1st year "Logistics" for 4th year students of the specialty "Logistics", where the participants actively discussed the topic they had set.