SDG 16: peace, justice and strong institutions

1 december, 2023

On December 1, 2023, 1st-year master students of the "Regional Studies" educational program (Arabova B., Tumenbaeva Z., Kambarova A., Karabekov A.), under the guidance of Professor of the Department of International Relations and World Economy Makasheva K. and associate professors Issova L., Baikushikova G., Kulbaeva A., conducted an educational event on the topic "SDG 16: peace, justice and strong institutions".

In the framework of the education event, the master students presented their reports, an informative presentation was held, visualising the key aspects of "SDG 16" and showing ways to achieve the set goals. Within the framework of the SDG16, the participants participated in a discussion, as well as played various games, in a question-and-answer format