Field practice in the discipline “Hydraulic engineering and land reclamation”

7 december, 2023

On December 1, 2023, as part of the implementation of SDG 6, 13, 3rd year students majoring in “6B05203-Hydrology” went on field practice in the discipline “Hydraulic Engineering and Land Reclamation.” Students were familiarized with mechanical and biological methods of wastewater treatment, treatment plants and devices, and also observed the process of their work at the Almaty aeration station, located in the village of Zhapek Batyr, Ile district. In addition, students got acquainted with the work process of chemical, hydrobiological and bacteriological laboratories that check the quality and limit values of water after purification, and asked questions to specialists. The field practice was organized by PhD, senior lecturer of the Department of Meteorology and Hydrology K.T. Narbaeva. and pedagogical practice intern, 2nd year doctoral student Sailaubek Akgulim.

Field internship is a unique learning method that allows students to gain practical skills and knowledge in a real work environment. Consequently, 3rd year students applied theoretical knowledge in practice, which contributed to the development of independence, communication and analytical skills.