Issues of labor law were discussed in KazNU

8 december, 2023

The annual international scientific-practical conference dedicated to the 90th anniversary of Al-Farabi KazNU "Ways of resolving labor disputes and other conflict situations in the sphere of social and labor relations: theoretical and practical issues" was held in Al-Farabi KazNU.

The organizers of the joint event were: the Department of Civil Law, Civil Procedure and Labor Law, the chamber of legal consultants "Zangerler palatasi" and the trade union "Parasat" employees of Al-Farabi KazNU.

The conference was attended by: domestic and foreign scientists, judges, university management, heads of trade unions, public figures, employees of Al-Farabi KazNU, lawyers, employees, officials of the prosecutor's office, labor inspection department of Almaty, representatives of business structures. 

Member of the Board - Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs of Al-Farabi KazNU, Doctor of Law, Professor Lyazzat Erkinbaeva made a welcoming speech, noting: "The theme of the conference is particularly relevant and plays an important role in the development of more effective strategies for resolving conflicts in the workplace.

Renowned scholars and lawyers made presentations at the conference.  Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor, Academician of the International Academy of Informatization (MAIN) Irina Mezhimbovskaya in her scientific report "Formation of anti-corruption culture among students of educational institutions as a preventive measure to prevent corruption" analyzed in detail the problems of labor law, which were considered in the Constitutional Court of the RK. These issues were diverse - improper issuance of pensions, social protection of victims of explosions at the Semipalatinsk polygon, rights of working women. A large number of questions to the speaker proved the topicality of the topic.

Also on the subject of the conference were heard speeches: Chairman of the Board of the Chamber of legal consultants "Zangerler palatasi", trainer-mediator, head of the Kazakhstan Chamber of mediators Elmira Esimbetova, professor, head of the department of criminal law, criminal procedure and criminology KazNU Rima Dzhansaraeva, head of the department of civil law, civil procedure and labor law KazNU named after Al-Farabi professor Saule Suleimenova, dean of the Faculty of Law KazNU Daulet Baideldinov and others.

During the conference were discussed many issues, such as: types and characteristics of individual labor disputes, legal framework, the specifics of application of labor legislation, the peculiarities of resolving labor disputes in mediation and other branches of law in judicial practice, the legal basis of trade unions, etc.

As Dean Daulet Baideldinov noted, nowadays labor relations cannot be regulated by legal mechanisms that were before. "Labor disputes arise constantly, because in the economy of the state there are both state and private enterprises, private employers who systematically do not comply with labor legislation. At the same time, the rights of workers must be protected, and organizations of trade unions take on this role," - said the dean of the Faculty of Law of KazNU.

At the conference were considered specific proposals to amend the Labor Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as the content of the collective bargaining agreement.

Press-service of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University