In KazNU presented educational programs of 44 universities of China

8 december, 2023

The Al-Farabi Kazakh National University hosted an exhibition of PRC universities. The event was organized by KazNU, the Scholarship Council of the PRC and the Consulate General of the PRC in Almaty.

At the exhibition, about 45 top universities in China informed about their academic activities and shared their scientific achievements. They also introduced the young students to the opportunities to enter universities through international programs and explained the admission rules.

The opening ceremony was attended by Malik Otarbayev, Advisor to the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Darhan Ahmet-Zaki, Vice-Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Tian Lulu, Deputy Secretary General of the Scholarship Council of China, Jiang Wei, Consul General of the People's Republic of China in Almaty, Zhanseit Tuimebayev, Chairman of the Board - Rector of Al-Farabi KazNU, Kairat Mami, Chairman of the Board of Directors of KazNU, heads of universities of China and Kazakhstan.

​Advisor to the President of Kazakhstan Malik Otarbayev conveyed the congratulations of the Head of State Kasym-Jomart Tokayev and wished the event a success. "Kazakhstan and China have entered a new level of interstate close relations and international ties. This year, the Head of State paid two official visits to China and reached a number of agreements. As the President noted in his speech, to date, 30 years of cooperation between the two countries have begun. Comprehensive integration in trade, oil and gas, transportation and transit, and high technologies is growing. Including joint investment projects in science and higher education are being implemented," Malik Otarbayev said.

In turn, Darhan Ahmet-Zaki read out a congratulatory letter from Sayasat Nurbek, Minister of Science and Higher Education of Kazakhstan. "At present, the partnership between China and Kazakhstan in the field of higher education is full of opportunities and promising projects. The exhibition being held today at KazNU is a vivid example of this. This exhibition is also of great importance in the development of science and education. And also allows to exchange students, share experience between the two states," the letter said.

Also, the head of Al-Farabi KazNU Zhanseit Tuimebaev spoke at the meeting, who noted that the exhibition of Chinese universities in KazNU is a significant event in the field of education and science in Kazakhstan. "Currently, KazNU closely cooperates with 51 universities in China. Within the framework of the official visit of the Head of State Kasym-Jomart Tokayev to China, an agreement was reached to open a branch of the Northwestern Polytechnic University in the institution of higher education. In October this year this branch started its work. The purpose is to conduct joint scientific research, training of students and exchange of teachers. KazNU will continue to work aimed at activating and strengthening ties with Chinese universities", - said the rector of KazNU.

During the event, Ms. Tian Lulu, Deputy Secretary General of the Scholarship Council, presented the achievements of Chinese universities in the past 10 years. "When education and science are developed, a country prospers. According to the indicator of recent years, China is the world's leading country in science. In addition, the quality of knowledge and educational programs of Chinese universities have improved significantly compared to previous results. China is also a leader in attracting international students".

At the opening ceremony of the exhibition, Jiang Wei, Consul General of the People's Republic of China in Almaty, said: "I believe that the exhibition will open the way for Kazakh youth to enter Chinese universities through international programs. This year the "One Belt, One Road" initiative is 10 years old. On the basis of this program the Kazakh-Chinese partnership was developing, fruitful work in various spheres was carried out. I also believe that opening a branch of the Chinese University and holding an exhibition of Chinese universities for the first time in Kazakhstan is a historic event".

At the end of the meeting, the delegations of China and Kazakhstan visited the exhibition and held negotiations in a small group. The parties comprehensively discussed the current state and prospects for the development of relations between the universities of the two countries, paying special attention to strengthening partnership, deepening ties in the field of education and science.

Press-service of Al-Farabi Kazakh Nationa University