Quality education is the future of the nation !

1 december, 2023

On  December 1, 2023, the 4th year   students of group 403 of the Faculty of Philology of al-Farabi KazNU  together with their teacher  Shortanbay Shokan  held a demo  lesson on modernism and postmodernism in Kazakh literature  within the framework of   “Quality Education” SDG. Topic of the open lesson was: “Postmodernist game. Pastiche”.

   The students were divided into 3 groups and did  individual tasks.  They were able to analyze and show with the examples how the pastiche method was reflected in the works of Kazakh writers.  The  best student  in  the group, Serikgul Hamidashkyzy, recited the  poem  written by her  in the form of a pastiche, while the student Rahimbay Asel organized a game as a refreshing moment. One of the last interesting tasks was that each group wrote a poem using the pastiche model.  The students knew a lot of new information during the lesson and were glad to take part in it.