Partnership in the education of the youth of an independent country

20 october, 2023

On October 20, 2023, at the Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, the Department of Pedagogy and Educational Management organized an expert meeting on the topic “Unity of the country - equality of the country,” dedicated to Republic Day.

The event, the main goal of which was to popularize such national values as sovereignty and independence, unity and equality, was attended by representatives of the Almaty Department of Social Development, the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences (Zh. B. Konyrova, F. T. Sametova), lecturers (Duisenbaev A.K., Mukasheva A.B., Bayarystanova E. ., Kyrgyzkhan G.A.) and students of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, leaders (N.M.Nakataev, S.A.Sattarova) and cadets of the Border Academy of the National Security Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The meeting was moderated by the Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science B.B. Meyrbaev noted the historical significance of Republic Day on October 25 – 1990. On October 25, the Declaration of the Sovereignty of our state was adopted. For the first time, it enshrined such principles of Kazakh statehood as integrity, indivisibility and inviolability of territories, the development of the culture of the peoples of Kazakhstan and their languages, and the strengthening of national identity.

The following speakers spoke:

1) Baidaliev D.D., senior lecturer of the Department of Pedagogy and Educational Management, candidate of pedagogical sciences (“Unity of the country and equality of the nation in the context of history and time”);

2) Zhomartov A.K., doctoral student at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (“The country’s achievements in the field of sports are the achievements of independent Kazakhstan”);

3) Nurmukhanbet D., 2nd year cadet of the Border Academy of the National Security Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan (“I am a happy son of my Motherland”).

After listening to and discussing the main reports, the meeting participants moved on to an   exchange of views.

Lieutenant Colonel Nakataev N.M., lecturer of the Border Academy of the National Security Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan, noted that maintaining and strengthening the country’s security is the most important task of borderguards, but the main factor ensuring the country’s security is the unity of the country.

The results of the meeting were summed up by the head of the department of pedagogy and educational management Algozhaeva N.S.: “Since the day of declaration of independence, our state has been following the path of development, withstanding the difficulties of the transition period. The successors of this priceless asset and the successors of good deeds aimed at the further prosperity of the country are educated youth, who serve as an example of hard work and high morality. To do this, it is important to join forces in educating the younger generation - family and school, government and public organizations must act in cooperation. I think today’s meeting is one of the steps towards achieving such a partnership. Congratulations on Republic Day! I wish you success in all your endeavors on the path of sustainable development!”

At the end of the meeting, Karshyga Akhmediyarov’s kui “Waiting” was heard, which gave it a special emotional overtones.