Formation of an ecological worldview
In September-December 2023, senior lecturer ofthe Management Department HSEB al-FarabiUniversity, Ph.D. Turebekova Bazhan delivered thecourse of lectures on “Rational use of naturalresources” for students NRU M. Ryskulbekov KyrgyzEconomic University (Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan). Classesare conducted online using progressive teachingmethods.
NRU M. Ryskulbekov KEU in order to increasethe competitiveness, quality and attractiveness ofhigher education, it is being integrated into a singleeducational space. Department of Tourism, Hospitalityand Environment at the NRU M. Ryskulbekov KEU actively build cooperation, invites teachers from topuniversities abroud to deliver lectures to students.
The discipline “Rational Use of Natural Resources” is aimed at developing a system ofknowledge on the rational use of natural resources andan student’s ecological worldview and mindset, as wellas the application of this knowledge in the field oftourism.