A scientific seminar on the topic “Problems of studying medicine of nomadic peoples” was held at the Research Center “Written Monuments and Spiritual Heritage”

25 december, 2023

On December 19, 2023, a scientific seminar was held on the topic “Problems of studying the medicine of nomadic peoples”, organized jointly by the research center of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University “Written monuments and spiritual heritage” and the Scientific Committee of the RMC “Gylym Ordasy” of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. The scientific online seminar was attended by scientists and researchers from Turkey, India, Iran, Poland, together with the research center “Written Monuments and Spiritual Heritage” of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University and “Gylym Ordasy”.

Director of the Research Center “Written Monuments and Spiritual Heritage”, Associate Professor Zubaida Shadkam opened the scientific seminar, introduced the guests, and acted as a moderator in Turkish, Persian, English and Kazakh.

The purpose of the scientific seminar was to study the problems of medical manuscripts in the library collections of Central Asia.

Among the distinguished guests were Mohammad Sadr, PhD in History of Medicine, Department of History of Medicine, Faculty of Persian Medicine, Iran University of Medical Sciences, – Topic: "Studies of the manuscript of Tansȳk-nāme Ilkhānī in Iran"; Meriyem Arslan, Associate Professor of the Department of Modern Turkish Languages and Literature (Çağdaş Türk Lehçeleri ve Edebiyatları) at Niğde Ömer Halis demir Üniversitesi (Turkiye) – Topic: “Folk medicine based on beliefs embedded in medieval (XVI-XVII centuries) medical treatises”; Mahmood Alam, Ph.D., Associate Professor, School of Arabic and Asian Studies, Department of Asian Languages, University of English and Foreign Languages, Hyderabad, India, – Topic: Rare Collections and Libraries of Hyderabad; Kydyrbayeva Umit PhD, senior lecturer of the Department of Central Asian Studies (Poznan, Poland) A. Mickiewicz University, Institute of Oriental Studies, – Topic: Grammatical features of the manuscript “Dastur al-'ilaj”. Researchers from the Research Center “Written Monuments and Spiritual Heritage” PhD Tuyakbayev Omir (topic: “Turkic Medical Heritage: Data, Fund”) and Kairanbayeva N. (Title: “Description of medicinal plants in medieval medical treatises”) also made presentations.

The scientific seminar was organized within the framework of the grant project AP19675139 “Heritage of medieval Turkic medicine in Persian: “Tansuk-name Ilkhani”, “Asrar al-atibba”.

N. Kairanbayeva

a researcher at the Research Center

“Written Monuments and Spiritual Heritage”