Global Challenges and Sustainable Development: Insights from the International Conference on “Economies of Eurasian Countries in a Period of Global Turbulence”

13 december, 2023

On December 13, 2023, the University of Turan hosted the International Conference: “Economies of Eurasian Countries in a Period of Global Turbulence,” one of the organizers of which was the Faculty of International Relations of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. As part of this conference, a round table was held on the topic: “Problems and prospects for the formation of human capital in Kazakhstan in conditions of demographic growth.” Lecturers of the Department of International Relations and World Economy, Ph.D. holders Aida Yerimpasheva and Lyazipa Medukhanova took an active part in the conference and round table. They presented the results of the study within the framework of the Targeted Funding Program BR18574168 “The role of Kazakhstan in deepening the regional integration of Central Asian countries and its sustainable development goals within the framework of modern global trends.”

The conference became a discussion platform and allowed to bring together key scientists to discuss the economic problems facing Eurasian countries during a period of global turbulence, with a special focus on human capital, import substitution and diversification strategies.

The conference was attended by speakers from such universities as the Russian Peoples' Friendship University (Moscow), the Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University (Bishkek), Kostanay Regional University named after Akhmet Baitursynuly (Kostanay), Shandong Women's University (Jinan, China), Belarusian State Economic University (Minsk), Moscow State Institute of International Relations (Moscow), Belarusian National Technical University (Minsk), St. Petersburg Humanitarian University of Trade Unions (St. Petersburg), Belarusian Institute of System Analysis, (Minsk), Almaty Technological University (ATU).