The Great Silk Road and Kazakhstan: History, Culture and Interconnection

26 december, 2023

The online course "The Great Silk Road and Kazakhstan: History, Culture and Interconnection" organized by the Department of Chinese Studies as part of the Winter School has come to an end. 71 foreign students took part in the school held from December 11th to 25th, 2023. Among them, 38 students from Mordova University named after NP Ogareva of the Russian Federation, 33 students from Wuhan University of the PRC participated. In the lectures on various topics given by the teachers of the department, the students were introduced to the place of the Silk Road in the Kazakh history, the culture and traditions of the Kazakh people, and gave a general understanding of the Kazakh language and linguistic and cultural studies. At the closing ceremony of the school which held on December 25th, the head of the Department of Chinese Studies Farida Orazakynkovy said that work in this direction will continue and such schools and courses will be organized more often.