Scientists of KazNU won the contest "Best Researcher - 2023"

Scientists of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University became the winners of the competition of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the annual award "Best Researcher - 2023".
The Ministry awarded 50 prizes to the best scientists of the country. The winners included three university scientists who won in the areas of "Natural Sciences" and "Humanities and Arts".
One of them is Madiyar Yeleuov, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Chief Scientific Officer of the Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology.
Madiyar Yeleuovich conducted extensive research in Zhambyl, Kyzylorda, Turkestan regions on accounting, protection and restoration of historical and cultural monuments of the country, discovered about 3000 archeological monuments, preserved in different historical periods, and introduced them into scientific turnover.
The artifacts obtained as a result of excavations in the ancient settlement of Kyshkala (clay city), conducted under the guidance of M. Yeleuov, were transferred to the Historical and Local History Museum of Syrdarya district and to the museum fund of the Faculty of History, and a foundation certificate was obtained.
Madiyar Yeleuov is co-chairman of the organization for the protection of monuments of Kyzylorda region, heads the LLP "Archaeology", and also works on the excavations of the medieval city of Sarayshik as a scientific specialist.
Gauhar Musabek, Acting Professor of the Department of Solid State Physics and Nonlinear Physics of the Faculty of Physics and Technology, won the contest "Best Researcher - 2023". The scientist is a specialist in the field of obtaining, research and application of semiconductor nanomaterials.
Gaukhar Kalizhanovna is actively engaged in scientific activities. For the last five years she has been leading the project "Development of scientific and technological approaches to obtaining and research of properties of silicon nanostructures decorated with carbon nanoparticles for modern nanophotonics and sensorics".
The scientist is actively involved as an executor in three projects of GF MES RK for fundamental and applied research in priority directions for the state: "Energy and mechanical engineering", "Information, telecommunication and space technologies, research in the field of natural sciences", "Rational use of natural resources, including water resources, geology, processing, new materials and technology, safe products and structures" and other programs.
Dr. Yerzhan Belyaev, PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Mechanics, was also among the winners of the "Best Researcher - 2023" project. He is the head of the scientific project "Study of the efficiency of cascade storage of solar thermal energy using phase transition materials in continental climatic conditions". In addition, the scientist conducts joint research with the Caspian University of Technology and Engineering named after Sh. Esenov on solar thermal desalination of Caspian sea water under the project "Development of solar-thermal desalination plant based on a heat pump".
The staff of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University congratulates the winners and thanks them for their contribution to the development of science of Kazakhstan and the University!
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