Condolences are expressed to the consulate general of the islamic republic of iran in almaty

12 january, 2024

On January 3, 2024, a terrorist attack in the city of Kerman (Iran) killed more than 90 people and injured about 300. January 8, Director of the Department of International Cooperation and Internationalization S.T.Dzhakubaeva, Dean of the Faculty of Oriental Studies N.B.Yem, Head of the Department of the Middle East and South Asia D.M.Kokeeva, Deputy Deans of the Faculty U.A.Amirbekova, A.E.Bilyalova and the teachers of the Iranian Studies department went to the Consulate General of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Almaty to express their condolences, wrote their condolences in a book of condolences and expressed sympathy for the grief of the Iranian people.