Meeting with the education attache of the Turkish Republic in Almaty

12 january, 2024

       On January 10, 2024, Acting Head of the Turksoy Department Gabdullin K.T. and Deputy Head of the Turksoy Department for Scientific and Innovative Work and International Relations Montanay E.A. held a meeting with the Education Attache of the Republic of Turkey in Almaty Ayhan Korkmaz within the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals.During the meeting, issues of resuming bilateral agreements, establishing close cooperation in the field of science and education of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University with universities of the Republic of Turkey were discussed. Topics such as providing students of the Faculty of Oriental Studies of Turksoy with industrial experience in Turkish companies, opening Turkish language courses in cooperation with universities issuing valid certificates in Turkey in order to determine the level of education were also discussed at the meeting.


Deputy head of Head of Department Turksoy on academic, metodical and curriculum work 

Zhanatayeva K.B

Deputy Head of the Turksoy Department for Scientific and Innovative Work and International Relations

Montanay E.A.