Meeting of the Faculty Employers' Council

24 january, 2024

On January 18, the Faculty of Oriental Studies held a regular meeting of the Employers' Council, which was attended by the faculty leadership, OP coordinators, representatives of Shinhan Bank Kazakhstan, VCA (VC), USKO KAZAKHSTAN, Commercial and Industrial Bank of China in Almaty, Shygys Adebieti Publishing House, the Red Cross Society The Crescent of the Arab Emirates in the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Eurasian Research Institute at the International Kazakh-Turkish University named after Khoja Akhmet Yassawi, the Iranian Cultural Representative Office in Almaty.
       The meeting discussed issues of joint cooperation in the training of highly qualified specialists who are competitive in the modern labor market. The competencies of specialists for joint preparation of Educational programs (OP), conducting special courses from employers, providing students with a base for practical training, and further solving employment issues were also considered.
      Representatives of employers made their suggestions in the preparation of the OP, and also supported the development of new requested OP. At the same time, they expressed a desire to draw up special courses from employers. Another step of cooperation was the offer of joint participation in the Almaty-Smartcity project.