The Faculty of International Relations is developing the Polish vector of the cooperation

29 january, 2024

On Friday, January 25, at the Consulate General of the Polish Republic, a meeting was held between the Dean of the Faculty of International Relations, Delovarova Leila, and Professor Mara Gubaidullina, with Mr. Consul General Jozef Tymanowski. During the meeting, issues of scientific and educational cooperation with Polish universities were discussed.

As part of the development of cooperation, it is planned to create a Kazakhstan-Poland expert platform, conduct scientific and methodological master classes for young scientists, joint publications and the future holding of a summer school "Poland - Central Asia through the eyes of young scientists."

Mr. Consul General Jozef Tymanowski expressed gratitude for the involvement and interest in cooperation.

Coordinator of the Polish direction at the Faculty of International Relations, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Gubaidullina Mara Shaukatovna.