Online seminar "Türk öğrencilere Kazak dili öğretme yöntemi"

31 january, 2024

01/30/2024, senior lecturer of the Turksoy Department of the Faculty of Oriental Studies of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kairanbayeva N.N. conducted an online seminar for students of Istanbul University (Istanbul, Turkey) on the topic “Türk öğrencilere Kazak dili öğretme yöntemi”. The seminar was organized according to the plan of a winter school between the two universities. The event was held within the framework of the 4th Sustainable Development Goals goal: quality education.

At the seminar, issues such as modern teaching of the Kazakh language, problems of transfering to the Latin alphabet, the level of the Kazakh language in the Republic of Kazakhstan, teaching the Kazakh language in Turkish universities, etc. were discussed.