Following the results of the Huawei ICT Competition 2023-2024 Middle East & Central Asia 15.12 days, students of the Department of Artificial Intelligence and Big Data attended a special awards evening for good results

15 december, 2023

Following the results of the Huawei ICT Competition 2023-2024 Middle East & Central Asia 15.12 days, students of the Department of Artificial Intelligence and Big Data attended a special awards evening for good results. Recall that Begaidarova Aida and Moldakhmetov Didar 6B07113 4th year students of the specialty "Intelligent control systems" in Cloud track took 1-2 places and won a ticket to Bahrain.
In total, the following TOP-10 students were hung from the department:

1. Ereke Nurbol nd 1 course
2. Moldahmetov Didar isu 4 year
3. Begaidarova Aida Isu 4 course
4. Zhappar Aқtoty nd 2 course
5. Izmailov Nurdәulet Isu 2 course

Congratulating the students on their achievements, we wish them success in the final.