Seminar-training from the Department of Artificial Intelligence and BD: SDG 4 - Quality Education! The theme of the seminar is "Bibliometric analysis and thematic analysis using text mining tools."

23 january, 2024

Seminar-training on the topic "Bibliometric analysis and thematic analysis using text mining tools" under the guidance of a high-level specialist - Dinara Zhaysanova, was successfully held on January 23, 2024! The seminar participants had a unique opportunity to immerse themselves in the world of bibliometric analysis and master the tools of text mining, expanding their experience and skills in the field of artificial intelligence. PhD, Dinara Zhaysanova shared her deep knowledge, providing participants with valuable practical skills and perspectives in the field of data and research.The seminar brought together an active community of students, teachers and everyone who strives for professional development and mastering of new technologies.

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