KazNU concluded a memorandum with Data+ company

15 february, 2024

Al-Farabi KazNU concluded a memorandum of cooperation with the official distributor of Esri - Data+ International LLC, which determined the directions and prospects of mutually beneficial cooperation between the parties.

The signing of the agreement took place within the framework of the meeting of representatives of the management of KazNU and Data+ International LLC.

Member of the Board - Vice-Rector for Scientific and Innovative Activities Zhamila Aitzhanova told about the activities of the cluster of engineering and knowledge-intensive technologies, which includes a design office, Earth Sensing Center and a laboratory for the development of small spacecraft.

Now several projects related to the degradation and desertification of the Earth are being carried out on the basis of the Earth Probing Center, in which the faculty and students of the university participate. Last year, through the Earth Sensing Center, Data+ International LLC provided the Faculty of Geography and Nature Management with free academic GIS licensing software for three years. Center staff and research team members received training at your certified center last November and December. Data+ initiated courses for free training of university teachers in geoinformation technologies.

Valery Fomin, Business Development Director of Data+ International LLC, thanked for the interest in the company's activities. In his speech, he noted the increased role of GIS, which today has gone beyond traditional boundaries and acquired a wide range of uses in the field of ecology, water accounting, natural resources protection and training. "Over time, GIS should become an integral part of learning because everything on a university campus, for example, is geography-related. And we provide tools that help to explore and analyze information," Valery Fomin noted.

"KazNU became the first university to conclude a memorandum of cooperation with the official distributor of Esri - Data+ International LLC," said Amirkhan Temirbayev, director of the Cluster of Engineering and High Technology. - And this event opens new opportunities for our university".


Then the parties discussed the main directions of cooperation aimed at creating favorable conditions for exchange of ideas, information and technologies, organization of joint research and development within the framework of agreed priority directions and programs.

At the end of the meeting a memorandum was signed, which defines the terms of mutually beneficial cooperation in the field of education, research and development activities and professional development.

Press-service of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University