KazNU has a lot of potential

20 february, 2024

Our university is 90 years old! The Department of Language and General Education Training of Foreigners of the Faculty of Pre-University Education congratulates the whole staff on this anniversary! January 15, 1934 is considered to be the day of foundation of the University. 90 years is a big period and a big anniversary! In the days of anniversary celebration we would like to remember the achievements of the University and outline the prospects of development.

The University has passed a glorious way from the opening of 4 faculties in 1934 to the present time, when it became a large scientific and educational center, which was included in the top 30 best universities in Asia according to the results of the international rating agency QS. The university is our alma mater. Many teachers have received higher education, completed postgraduate studies, doctoral studies, defended candidate and doctoral dissertations within the walls of our university. The university has a very great potential. It is not by chance that in 1985 a preparatory faculty for foreign students was opened. Students from different countries of the world aspired and aspire to come to Kazakhstan and study at Al-Farabi KazNU.

Now the chair of language and general education training of foreigners is a part of the faculty of pre-university education. Over the years of the department's existence, teachers have been teaching foreign students from different countries the Russian language, and after Kazakhstan gained independence - the Kazakh language, which is the state language. Teachers of the department of language and general education training of foreigners use the latest methods of teaching languages, do a lot of work on the development of students' skills not only spoken language, but also scientific style of speech, prepare students to participate in scientific conferences, to write scientific articles. Foreign students choose Al-Farabi KazNU to study, because they know that here they can not only master Kazakh and Russian languages, but also get quality education at different faculties of the university, which meets the requirements of the new time: digitalization and use of the latest technologies.

The life of each teacher is inextricably linked with the life and achievements of the university! It is a great joy every year to graduate students who not only learned to speak Russian and Kazakh, but also learned the history of Kazakhstan, got acquainted with the cultural life of the country, its traditions and customs. The University cooperates with many universities around the world. Every year exchange students from Japan, students from China, from USA, from Turkey, from South Korea, from Philippines, from other countries of Europe and Asia come. All of them become graduates of Al-Farabi KazNU, keep love to the university, strengthen friendly relations of Kazakhstan with different countries. There is a big work ahead. The chair of language and general education training of foreigners plans to create educational and educational base for training of foreign students in the magistracy on specialty Kazakh as a foreign language, and in the future and Russian as a foreign language. A great gift to the 90th anniversary was the opening of construction of new educational buildings and dormitories on the territory of KazNU-grad. Rector of KazNU Zhanseit Kanseitovich Tuimebaev made a lot of efforts for opening of this construction. It can be noted that the university deservedly takes the honorable first place in the sphere of education of Kazakhstan. We wish our favorite university further successes, creative spirit, scientific discoveries and achievements!



Associate Professors of the Department of Language and General Education of the Faculty of Pre-University Education