Scientists from brotherly countries met

20 february, 2024

Manas University in the capital of the Kyrgyz state hosted an international congress of Turkic civilization, which was attended by about 230 scientists and researchers from six countries of the Turkic world: Turkey, Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. A number of teachers and doctoral students of the Philological Faculty of KazNU went to this event in support of the brotherly country.

43 articles (22 offline, 21 online) from professors, doctoral students and master students of the university were sent to the Congress, in which one very relevant topic "education and culture in the Turkic world" of globalization times was touched upon. With a great interest in the knowledge and culture of the Turkic world, I decided to contribute to this congress as a master student of the Department of Turkicology and Language Theory. Since I am improving my education in the specialty "Foreign language: two foreign languages", with a report on "The features of e-books in educational process" in the direction of education, foreign language teaching.

Since the purpose of this congress is the international consideration of the main educational and cultural aspects of the Turkic world, in addition to this direction, the sub-themes of the Congress were discussed: history, language and literature, culture and communication, intercultural communication, preservation and transportation of culture. And also value education, culturology, the problem of globalization, language education and research, literature of the Turkic world, current problems of research in the field of language and literature, interlingual translation (translation), modern methods of language research, Turkic studies, comparative Turkic dialects, interaction of culture and society, communicative knowledge, ethics, covered current and topical topics such as communication in social networks, global communications. The articles and abstracts presented by scholars and researchers from six countries under these topics were also full of interesting information that "feels like brainstorming". - This is invaluable knowledge. Most importantly, we learned about the deep cultural heritage of the Turkic world and became spiritually enriched during the congress.

Tolkyn Umirzakova,

Master's student of the 2nd year of the Faculty of Philology