“Translation Studies: Knowledge and practice”
In honor of the 90th anniversary of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, on February 15, 2024, the Department of Foreign Philology and Translation Studies of the Faculty of Philology held a round table diecussion: “Translation Studies: Knowledge and practice”. The moderators and organizers of the round table discussion were: a candidate in philological sciences, senior advisor Bayeli Assel Zharylkasynovna and the first-year PhD students of the Department of Foreign Philology and Translation Studies.
During the round table, topical issues of the development of modern translation science, the past, present and prospects of translation science at the junction of cultures, new trends and traditional directions that have developed in it were discussed. The qualified specialists shared their practical experience. The main purpose of such an event was to familiarize the students with the research works of foreign and domestic scientists-translators aimed at common values and national characteristics of different cultures, as well as at the formation of a scientific environment striving for independent search in the discussion of these works. The candidate in philological sciences, professor Musaly L. Zh., PhD doctor Alpysbaeva A. E., senior lecturer Torekhanova R. A., 2nd year doctoral student of the department Stambekova A. E took part in the event. They shared their research experience with young scientists, PhD students and undergraduates of the Faculty of Philology who took part in the round table discussion
Organizers: Senior adviser of the Department of Foreign Philology and Translation Studies of the Philological Faculty of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, a candidate in philological sciences Bayeli A.Zh.
1st year doctoral students in the specialty “Translation Studies (Western languages)”: Bailiyeva U.B. and Muratova A.M.
1st year doctoral student in the specialty “Foreign Philology (Western languages)”: Khasanova M.T.